Business Builder

Generous credit programs spur additional sales

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Generous credit programs directly lead to more and larger sales of flooring, particularly at independent flooring dealers. Indeed, the average credit sale can be three times what that sale would be without advantageous credit terms. 

“If there is one piece of advice I would give to independent flooring retailers to drive incremental sales, increase their average ticket by three times, improve margins and create happier customers it would be to talk about consumer financing at the very beginning of the sales process,” said Frank Chiera, senior vice president of marketing and advertising for Flooring America/Flooring Canada. “It is unequivocally the fastest and easiest way to leverage more sales out of your existing base of traffic.” 

Credit can be the difference between making the sale or not. “Research shows 21 percent of consumers who do finance would not have made the purchase,” said Bevin Andrews, senior vice president of marketing, Carpet One Floor & Home, adding that 18 percent would visit another retailer that does offer financing and 27 percent spent more than they intended because of financing. “The average financed purchase is considerably higher than non-financed purchases with the longest-term financing having the highest average ticket. With strong credit, customers can purchase what they really want versus settling for what they can immediately afford out of pocket.”

Don Roberts, president and chief executive officer of Bob’s Flooring Outlet, agreed. He said that average sales with in-store financing are regularly two to three times other sales. He noted that last year, the company did $2 million in financed business, a significant portion of its total sales of $11 million. 

Having an in-house credit program is advantageous beyond the initial sale. For example, Synchrony will share its open-to-buy list with Roberts — including credit availability. This allows him to send targeted, private sale emails to these customers. “It’s always good to market to people when they know they have money to spend.” He said many customers will finance one job, pay it off and then finance another job, keeping a continuous pipeline of business. 

Chiera agreed the open-to-buy list is a significant marketing tool, typically resulting in $2,000 or more on a second purchase. 

Retail executives indeed said generous terms help spur larger and more frequent sales. Chiera said his member stores offer everything from six months to 60 months for financing. “In fact, during our key national promotions, we typically buy down the rates of our most used terms as a benefit to our members.”

Credit programs are also good for advertising. Roberts noted that he promotes long-term financing in every single ad, from radio to the web. 

“Offering consumer financing is actually a driver of traffic and key differentiator, which helps you sell better goods at higher margins and creates a built-in audience for future marketing efforts,” Chiera said. 

Every retailer should add financing, he said, and if they don’t, they are leaving a lot of business on the table. “Every now and then I hear from stores that their customers don’t want financing, or it’s not their customer. That is all a myth that I’m here to bust. In fact, the customers that are using financing are people with money, we have the data.” Chiera added the average flooring customer has a credit score well over 700, and the in-store approval rate for financing today hovers around 85 percent to 90 percent. 

The key is to train sales consultants and everyone in the process to offer financing early and promote options clearly. “The biggest hurdle a retailer faces is consistency, coaching and training on how and when to bring it up during the sales process,” said Chiera.

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